Margaret of Cleves, Countess of the Marck

Margaret of Cleves, and Margarethe von Kleve or Margaret of Cleves called (* 1310, † after 1348 ), was the wife of Count Adolf II of Mark and mother of Count Adolf III. of the cord.

Margaret was a daughter of Count Dietrich VII. / IX. of Kleve and Margarethe von Geldern, a daughter of Count Renaud I of funds.

On March 15, 1332 she married Count Adolf II of the Mark. 1333 met her father a Erbregelung, after the county Kleve should fall to Margaret and her sisters Elizabeth and Mary. After protests of Count Johann brother but these plans were dropped in 1338.

Margaret's husband, Count Adolf died before his father, the Count Klever, in the year 1346. 's Eldest son, Engelbert, who was succeeded in the County of Mark. After the death of her father, Count Dietrich, on July 7, 1347 Margaret tried her sons Engelbert and Adolf to secure the Klever site. Initially, it was herein of her cousin, Duke Rainald III. of funds, supported. But not succeeded Margaret, to prevail against her uncle, Count Johann von Kleve.

Only after John's death in 1368, the Brandenburg Graf house could succeed in the County of Cleves, citing the inheritance Margarethe. Count of Cleves was the second son Adolf, the right bank possessions were for the most part to Engelbert and the third son Dietrich.
