Marián Labuda

Marián Labuda ( born October 28, 1944 in Hontianske Nemce, Slovakia) is a Slovak actor.


Labuda became known in the 1980s by Czechoslovak production in Western Europe to a wide audience. In his roles Labuda mainly plays tragicomic characters. In Germany Marián Labuda was 1985 in Jiří Menzel's home, sweet home known in his signature role as constantly irritated truck driver Pávek and received in 1986 in Montreal a special rate for this role. In 1987, home, sweet home an Oscar nomination for best foreign film.

1993 Labuda also played in the German production of " The Little Vampire - The New Adventures " with and took over the role of the vampire hunter vultures Meier.

Filmography (selection)


  • ARD press kit " The Little Vampire - The New Adventures ", September 1993