Marianne Beth

Marianne Beth, born Weisl, ( born March 6, 1890 in Vienna, † August 19 1984 in New York City ) was a native of Austria U.S. legal scholar, sociologist and women's rights activist.


Marianne Weisl was the daughter of Franz Ernst ennobled by Weisl and had the faith of Moses. In 1906 she married the Berlin religious scholar Karl Beth and converted in 1911 to the Protestant faith.

After private lessons she graduated from a Vienna Boys High School. Since she was not admitted as a woman for the time being to study law, she first studied Oriental Studies at the University of Vienna in 1912 and PhD. After the First World War she studied from 1919 Jus and graduated in 1921 as the first Austrian to the Dr. jur.

From 1928 she worked as a lawyer in 1931, she wrote the manual for the woman 's right.

In 1938 she divorced from Karl Beth. After she was cleared in December 1938 as a converted Jew from the legal list, they fled in the same month in the United States. From 1939 to 1945 she taught sociology and German at Reed College in Portland (Oregon ).

From the year 1955 she was on the Universal Translation Bureau worked in Chicago and then moved into the oil industry.
