
Maria Trost ( formerly Maria Trost) is the 11th district of the city of Graz.


Until the 1930s, the famous pilgrimage by the name Maria Trost hidden behind the little-known community names Fölling. Shortly before the annexation to Graz existed legally a market town with the Maria Trost Katastralgemeinden Wenisbuch and Fölling. Wenisbuch included the villages Kroisbach, Rettenbachferner, Maria Green and the group of houses at the foot of Mariatroster Church Hill, to the village came Wenisbuch itself and the grounds beside the Mariatroster ( Empire ) road, including the plate. The principles of classification remained in some areas, as obtained, for example, in the emotional sense of belonging Alt- Mariatroster today.

In the market Maria Trost 1937 passed two dozen independent associations. In the town there was the electricity company Wenisbuch and the volunteer fire department with the center in Kroisbach and departments in the village of Maria Trost and Fölling. The sanatorium Maria Green (now home of the child, Schönbrunngasse 30) and the sanatorium Maria Trost (now State Youth Home Blümelhof, Blümelhofweg 9-11) were among the best-known institutions of its kind in the Graz area. Last mayor was Franz Herzog, after a way was named in Neusitzgraben.

In 1938 the municipality of Maria Trost was connected to parts of the Municipality Geidorf and declared a " management unit north-east of Great Graz ". 1946 Maria Trost was cleaved from Geidorf and since it is considered the official 11th district of the city of Graz with an area of ​​14 km ².


The southwestern border of the county is the Geidorf Schönbrunngasse, which runs from the Hilmteichstraße to the French cross. Part of Maria Trost Mary is also green with the idyllic Maria Green Church ( here married Peter Roseggerhaus ) in the midst of Maria Green Forest. Just a few meters below the church ends of Peter Rosegger Gedenkweg, who leads the half Maria Green road through the forest and to stimulate multiple quotes from Peter Roseggerhaus to think.

The northern limits are the more gentle undulations of the Hauenstein ( 651 m) and the plate ( 651 m), to the west of Maria Trost located eastern part of the Mount Rose ( Ferdinand height, 490 m). The south-eastern boundary runs from Hilmteich, which no longer belongs to the district, the State Hospital Graz and along the path towards Roseggerhaus basilica Maria Trost.

Are two major recreational centers of Graz, the Leechwald in the south and the board in the north At the outer limits of the district. A popular destination is the Rettenbachklamm.

At the foot of Church Hill by Maria Trost ( Purberg ) is a pool, which is used as a fish pond and in winter ice rink in the summer.

The tram line 1 of the Holding Graz transport services performs the majority of the district to the center of Maria Trost. In the tram terminus is also home to the Tramway Museum Graz.

Culture and sights


  • Basilica of Maria Trost: The pilgrimage church of Maria Trost is the landmark of the district.
  • Maria Green Church: In the small, idyllic church in Maria Green married in 1873 Peter Roseggerhaus.
  • Tramway Museum Graz: The museum houses more than 30 vintage trams, which can be visited by guided tours and used for special rides. The museum was founded in 1971.

Nature reserve

The biotope protection area Bullman reason is botanical reserve with more than 250 native plant species. It is located in the KG Wenisbuch at the address at the Josef Bach 32 The reason for the protection is after the promulgation of the conservation of biodiversity of these plant communities that are located in differently structured habitats and are interlocked mosaic. The protected area is about 8200 square meters.


  • Peter Roseggerhaus Gedenkweg: Located in the Mary Green Forest commemorative in honor of the Styrian poet was opened in 2005.
  • Rettenbachklamm: In Transition of slate and phyllite of the materials Rettenbachferner formed ( Steinbach ) this small but impressive gorge. It is characterized by its gorge and torrential and is treated by hikers as a " tip". Their preservation is mainly that it is not touristy markets and is kept by the mountain and park rangers stand in Graz. The gorge is crossed by numerous wooden bridges and walkways. After the floods in 1963 and 2005, the gorge was blocked.
  • Forest trail in Leechwald: The trail leads from St. Johann in Leechwald to Hilmteich. It describes 25 different trees along this path.
  • Creek nature trail along the Maria Trost Erbaches: The adventure Mariatroster Bach was designed by the Association for Nature in 1999 as the first creek trail in Graz and built. It begins at the tram station St. Johann and runs through the Erich Edegger - way to the tram stop Teichhof. At four stations with 14 information panels and three objects of sense to the visitor a wealth of information to the creek topic will be taught.
  • Ökopark Eugenie Schmiedl Hain: The Eco Park is a semi-natural recreation area for the people of Graz. It provides the animal and plant world, a variety of habitats ( biotopes ).
  • Castle Kroisbach
  • Castle of St. Joseph
  • Castle of St. John
  • Hilmwarte
  • Stephanienwarte: The 18 meter high observation tower at the top of the plate was erected in 1880 after Princess Stephanie, the wife of Crown Prince Rudolf, named. 1977 a radio device was installed in the tower of the Fire Services Association. Built in 1989, the air quality monitoring of the Province of Styria, a meteorological station and in 1991 this was extended by an ozone measurement point. In 1995, the ARBÖ this radio site. 1999, a new ozone meter was installed.
  • St. John's Chapel / pastoral center Kroisbach
  • Ökohof Maria Green
  • Insert Stone Park
  • The fire station Kroisbach / Maria Trost was passed in 2009 by the professional fire brigade of the volunteer fire department Graz as a base


  • On the occasion of " Graz 2003 - Cultural Capital of Europe", initiated the District Maria Trost, together with the " 17 Graz cultural districts " a district film entitled " Maria Trost - Jewel of Graz ". In this half-hour video, the district from a variety of perspectives presented. Writer-director was ORF Steiermark editor Reinhart Grundner. Cinematographer Gunther Pöschl turned around a year in order to capture all the seasons and major activities on film can.
  • On the part of the Alpine Association of Styria ( Graz section ), the city of Graz group of mountain and nature watch, the property management agency of the City of Graz and some sponsors was issued in June 2001, a trail map ( 1:12.500 ) with Aerial view of the district.