Mars Needs Moms

Mars Needs Moms is an American science fiction animated film directed by Simon Wells, who had in the U.S. premiere on 11 March 2011 and was released on September 22, 2011 in Germany on DVD. It is a production of Disney Studios. The 175 million -US-dollar film belongs from a financial perspective to the biggest flops in film history.


The mother of nine -year-old Milo is abducted to Mars because the Martians need for new programs for their educational robot. Because Milo wants to save his mother, he is introduced at random with the spacecraft on Mars and helps him Gribble, who came himself years ago in the same way as back.

On Mars, men are separated from the women even as babies and at a landfill. The education of female babies then meet robot. Milo wants to liberate his mother, who has yet to live a few hours until it is used as a program. Rulers is an old woman called " supervisor " who is lying and suppresses the inhabitants. When it Milo just manages to free his mother with the help of a rebel, his Machthaberin gets in the way, but the insurgents Ki manages to convince the guards of the supervisor from the fact that she is evil. They capture her and kindled a great relief during hard on Mars, Milo and his mother are traveling in a spaceship with Gribble and Ki back to the earth. Gribble but want to go back mainly because he fell to Mars in Ki.
