Martin Schalling the Elder

Martin Schalling the Elder ( * in Ortenberg (Hessen );? † February 27, 1552 in Strasbourg ) was Reformed theologian and reformer.


Martin Bucer as friend Martin Schalling came the Elder to Strasbourg. Since 1537 he was the deacon at Jung- St. Peter, since 1542 pastor in Wolfach. The Count of Fürstenberg summoned him to Donaueschingen. Every year he visitierte the municipalities of the county, together with Kaspar Hedio.

Since he was appointed for life, he could stay there even after the Augsburg Interim, but it moved in 1549 before going back to Strasbourg. From there, he introduced the Reformation in Weitersweiler. For his son, Martin Schalling the Younger wrote to Bucer's instigation in 1550 the magazine " De corpore et sanguine Christi in eucharistia institutional ", which published this after 25 years in Wittenberg in 1576.
