Mary, Mother of Jesus (film)

  • Christian Bale: Jesus
  • Pernilla August: Maria
  • Melinda Kinnaman: young Maria
  • David Threlfall: Joseph
  • Simone Bendix: Mary Magdalene
  • John Shrapnel: Rabbi Simon
  • Edward Hardwicke: Zacharias
  • Hywel Bennett: Herod the Great
  • Geraldine Chaplin: Elisabeth

The film Mary - The Holy Mother of God ( DVD title: Jesus) tells the story of Jesus of Nazareth from his mother, Mary of view and deals with events that did the two have experienced together, beginning with the Annunciation of Jesus' birth on the birth in Bethlehem up to the crucifixion and resurrection.


In the introduction you get to know the characters, such as Mary and Joseph, who live in a small village called Nazareth. On a hill Maria got a prophecy that is expected by the Holy Spirit a child. She then told Joseph of the event. This does not believe her but because he thinks that she had cheated on him and she finally leaves. That same night Joseph had a dream, in which God speaks to him and appealed to him to trust her. The next day the people would stone Mary, but Joseph saves her by saying she will marry the next day. 9 months later, Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem because of the census. But all hostels are full and they only find accommodation in a stable. There she gives birth to the child, and calls it Jesus, as God has commanded you. Heard of the birth of the Messiah, many shepherds come to the stable. Because Herod the king sees his power in danger, he can kill all the male infants. But Mary and Joseph to flee in time. 12 years later, they return to Nazareth. There they were warmly welcomed, since no one had counted on their return. One morning, Jesus is gone, and Joseph and Mary make yourself scared to look. He had, however, because God had commanded him so, made ​​their way to the temple to preach there with the priests. They were impressed with the knowledge of Jesus. 18 years later, Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. Joseph had died in the meantime, and Jesus let his mother returned alone to go on trip. After he had finished his journey, he returned with his disciples, whom he had met at this time back. All were invited to the wedding of Jesus' cousin, when he performed his first miracle by turning water into wine. After this miracle, he said to his people and revealed himself as the Messiah and spread his teachings. He came to the people rejected and had to leave the village. He then moved to another village, and healed the sick there and described it as his family. When Judas betrayed Jesus, he was convicted because he had turned against Rome. He was crucified before his mother's eyes. He refused the anesthetic and asked why God had forsaken him. It was closed in a pit, but after a few days the stone was pushed in front of it and the pit was empty. Jesus was resurrected and showed Mary on the hill where they had received the prophecy. In the end, Maria appealed to the audience to spread Jesus' teaching and to live and love like Jesus.

The film was shot in Hungary and plays with the basic expectations of the Bible film supervisors. For example, Mary must always wear a blue robe and Jesus have blue eyes.

For the roles could director Kevin Connor Acting sizes, including winning Geraldine Chaplin and Christian Bale.


In the opening credits is mentioned that the filmmakers have partially allows poetic liberties that the film, however, the historical significance of the biblical story of Mary and Jesus is righteous. The whole story is the experience and suffering of Mary's vision dar. Here we learn little about the person of Jesus in detail. The film is very bibelnah. Therefore, the film does not show Jesus as a historical person, because many years are missing and they adhere to religious faith, so that, for example, Mary is presented as if they had never sinned, and do not make mistakes. We find in particular that ends well, because Mary appeals to the audience and so the desire of God to spread the teachings, is emphasized. Jesus is portrayed in the film according to his time. He has dark, long hair and does not have too many muscles.
