Masolino da Panicale

Masolino da Panicale (* 1383 in Panicale, † after 1447 in Florence, Tommaso di Cristoforo actually Fink) was an Italian painter in the transition period between late Gothic and Renaissance.


Tommaso ( with the nickname Masolino ) came from the same area in Tuscany as his younger contemporary of Masaccio, was probably trained by Gherardo Starnina and was from 1403 to 1407 assistant of Lorenzo Ghiberti. It was first documented in September 1422 in Florence and included in the painters' guild in Florence in 1423. He went mid- 1420s to Hungary, from 1427 to 1435 he was again active in Italy. The death of his friend Masaccio ( 1428 ) marked a turning point in his life dar. He should have died in 1447 in Florence.


Masolino is known as a teacher of Masaccio, soon, however, influenced this the 20 years older crucial. To Masolino earliest works is a painted on wood Anna selbdritt of about 1420 (Florence, Uffizi ) (1425? ); it leaves the fundamental difference between the international style of late Gothic and early Renaissance clearly ( and is considered joint work of Masolino and Masaccio ). Also early works are the Madonna in Munich and the Madonna and Child in Bremen (both around 1423/24 ).

Much has been discussed the question of whether - and how much - Masolino had in the Brancacci Chapel of Santa Maria del Carmine in Florence, painted as specified by Vasari; who writes to him, is next to no longer preserved frescoes depicting scenes with the preaching of Peter, the double representation of the revival of tabes and the healing of the lame man to. The majority of researchers now agrees to Vasari. The influence of his friend Masaccio whose cooperation is assigned to the Brancacci frescoes, made just as noticeable as in the perspective of the much bulkier figures. This development is a realistic representation is also visible in a chapel of the Basilica of San Clemente in Rome in a cycle of frescoes from the legend of St. Catherine.

After the death of Masaccio Masolino be turned back to the home; but artistically he returned - albeit slowly - to the roots. The only authenticated works are frescoes of the Life of the Virgin (c. 1430) in the Collegiate Olona Castiglione ( Lombardy ); they are signed: Masolinus de Florentia pinsit. You again show a rather ancient appearance, soft drapery, little individual heads. 1432 he lived in Todi, to paint the fresco Madonna col Bambino in trono e due angeli in the church of the patron saint San Fortunato. Masolino is said to have painted the frescoes of 1435 dated from the legend of St. Stephen and St. Lawrence in the choir and the frescoes of the life of John the Baptist in the Baptistery of the same church.
