

Massenya (also Massenya ) is a village in Chad with about 3680 inhabitants. It is the capital of the Chari- Baguirmi region and located approximately 120 kilometers east of the border with Cameroon. The capital of Chad, N'Djamena, is located about 160 kilometers northwest of the city. The city is located in the northwest of the Plaine de Massenya, an important wetland in the region of the Sahel, which is under the protection of the Ramsar Convention since 2008.


Massenya was the capital of the Islamic Sultanate Baguirmi, which existed until 1897 in Central Africa in 1480, and was founded in 1512. In the 1850s, it had about 25,000 inhabitants. In the 17th century the economy flourished in the city, mainly because of the rise of the slave trade. In former times the city of the sultan's palace and a court of justice; she was well protected by a circular wall with a circumference of seven miles. With the exception of government buildings and a mosque made ​​of stone, the city consisted solely of simple mud huts. After 1870 the city had already been partially destroyed after a siege by the Wadai, she was, as Rabih az- Zubayr 1893 Empire conquered, burned down.


The Massenya airport serves the region around Chari- Baguirmi. 70 km south of the city is the River Chari, which is accessible via a (non- fixed ) road. In addition, perform other trunk roads in the capital N'Djamena and in the southeast of the country.
