Mata mata

Frans turtle in Shanghai Aquarium

The Frans turtle or Mata - Mata ( Chelus fimbriatus ) is up to 40 centimeters in size, the freshwater turtle. Its distribution area covers the northern and central Amazon basin, the river system of the Orinoco River and Guiana in South America. In the southern Amazon region it is only disjoint on the Rio Xingu and to find in the northern border region of Bolivia and Brazil in the area of ​​the mouth of the Río Beni and the Río Mamoré in the Rio Madeira.


Your carapace ( carapace ) is flat and dark brown. The individual shields of the carapace are pyramidal bulged with a rearward tip. All carapace shields together thereby forming three longitudinal keels nodular. Every single plate is patterned by radiating Radiärfurchen. The shields of the front edge is slightly curved upwards. The breastplate ( plastron ) is relatively small, yellowish to brownish in color and shows a dark ray tracing.

The head of Frans turtle is brown on top and completely flat. Seen from above, the ending in a thin, snorkel -like snout to the tip of the head is triangular, which is further enhanced by projecting laterally fringed flap of skin. The eyes are tiny and sit near the front edge of the head. There are fringe -like skin flap, which brought the turtle to the German common name at the head base and the bottom of the neck. Along the head and neck have almost the length of the carapace. The tail, however, is very short. The limbs are short and plump. Between the toes of brownish legs are webbed. The front legs end in five, the hind legs in four sharp claws. Juveniles are reddish colored with dark stripes, their carapace is reddish - light brown. The Frans turtle is 40 inches long. Overall, their proportions lend their unusual appearance. Through the skin flap it blurs visually with the surroundings and is so well camouflaged.

Way of life

The Frans turtle inhabits slow-flowing rivers and streams, ponds and lakes with muddy ground. There it lurks in the mud dug on past swimming prey, which consists mainly of fish. The prey is sucked in by the sudden opening of the very large mouth and swallowed the fish whole. Apparently dissolves the silver color on the flanks and bellies of many fish the snap reflex, because captive turtles swallowed Frans also free-floating mercury thermometer, but never those in which red -colored ethanol was used as a thermometric liquid.

Frans turtles are very voracious. In a captive 30 -inch-long animal was observed that there was eating five to six fish from eight to ten inches long row. However, you can also get by for several days without food.
