Maulets (politics)

The Maulets were active in Valencia and Catalonia youth organization that fought for a united, independent and socialist Catalonia since its founding in 1988. The name " Maulets " was selected on the basis of the Valencian partisans of the Spanish Succession War. The historical Maulets supported Charles VI. In 2012 it merged with other groups on the new organization of Arran.


The organization was founded in 1988 as Maulets youth organization of the Moviment de Defensa de la Terra ( " movement for the defense of the country" ). The first events were held in Mataró, Vinaròs, Girona and Valencia. In 1989 she was the youth organization of Catalunya Lliure ( " Free Catalonia "), a Catalan regional party. In 1995, the Maulets the Plataforma per la Unitat d' Acció ( " platform for unified action" ) and in 1998 they finally merged with the organization Jove Independentistes Revolucionaris i Revolucionàries ( " Young revolutionary freedom fighter " ) to the Maulets, el jovent -independence revolucionari ( " Maulets, revolutionary youth for independence "). Since the Maulets fight for the unification of all Països Catalans, the area of their occurrence extended also to the north of Catalonia in France.

On 5th May 2007, a spokesman for the Maulets published a declaration in which the defense of the struggle for independence from the Basque and Catalan youth organizations by the violence of the Spanish State is justified. This statement can be interpreted as a reaction to the prohibition of the three Basque youth organizations Jarrai, Haika and Segi by the Spanish Supreme Court, the Tribunal Supremo.
