May 1958 crisis

As a coup d' Alger a performed on May 13, 1958 coup d'etat of the French military in Algeria is called against the government in Paris. Result of the coup was the return of Charles de Gaulle to power and the end of the Fourth Republic and the beginning of the Fifth Republic.


Background of the coup was the maintenance of colonial rule in Algeria, the parts of the military and the French Algerians by the imminent formation of a government of Pierre Pflimlin looked in danger. This was in the military as supporters of a negotiated solution to the war in Algeria. In Parliament Pflimlin received a majority on May 13.

For the same day called parts of the military and French Algerians for protest rallies. There were demonstrations that got out of hand soon. A number of public buildings were occupied. Under the leadership of the military, among them the commander of the paratroopers General Jacques Massu and the supreme commander Raoul Salan, then a welfare government was formed ( Gouvernement de salut public ). President was Massu. For France, the insurgents demanded the formation of a similar government. The reigning government under Prime Minister Félix Gaillard Salan appointed General Representative in Algeria. This was not only head of the rebels, but was also responsible for the completion of the rebellion.

At first the officers were planning probably not, General Charles de Gaulle to help to power again. However, the Gaullists in France took the welcome opportunity to de Gaulle as the savior of the nation to get people talking. A source close to de Gaulle, Jacques Soustelle has negotiated in this sense in Algiers.

On May 15 General Salan ended a speech with the cry of " Vive de Gaulle ". Thereupon de Gaulle, a new government agreed to form in Paris. Indirectly, de Gaulle turned therefore to the rebels and urged them to continue to exert pressure in order to overthrow the government Pflimlin.

The Parti Communiste français used the coup and called for the formation of a Popular Front government. Against the background of the Communist thrust and a possible invasion of the Algerian troops in France itself (→ Opération Résurrection ) the majority of Parliament was ready to hand over General de Gaulle to power.


  • La Guerre d' Algérie, Yves Courrière et Philippe Monnier, Reggane Films, 1972