
Megalopyge opercularis

The Megalopygidae are a family of butterflies ( Lepidoptera). They come with 230 species mainly in the Neotropics before, eleven species are found also in the Nearctic. Species of the genus Somabrachys occur in North Africa, closely related species are found in South Africa. The family is closely related to the worm spinners ( Limacodidae ), with whom they share some characteristics. The monophyly of the family, however, is not justified beyond doubt. The subfamily is Aidinae recently, as well as the Somabrachyidae, considered as a separate family Aididae.


The moths are small to large and see the worm spinners very similar. The front wings are vividly colored in many species, gray or white. Your abdomen is short, spiky haired tapering and strong. That's why some species have a more or less strong resemblance to bumblebees. In addition to the compound eyes of the animals do not have simple eyes ( ocelli ). The palps are either very small or completely regressed, and the proboscis is absent in many species and is formed only stunted. The antennae of the males are either fully feathered, feathered at the base or flattened filiform. The females have only weak feathery or filamentous sensor. The Flügeladerung is well trained in the rule. The veins R forms a branch of the branch from the veins Rs1 to 4. In the genus Somabrachys the females wingless ( adapter ).

The caterpillars of many species are hairy very strong and long and look in extreme cases, such as elongated tassels. Her hair ( stinging hairs ) evoke severe pain and a several days lasting burning when touched. Their venom can also cause headaches, nausea and even paralysis in humans. In addition to the Nachschieber sit belly pairs of legs not only on the third to sixth, but also on the second and seventh abdominal segments, which is very unusual for butterfly caterpillars. In this case, however, the two extra leg approaches have not trained outsoles for most species.

Way of life

The females cover their eggs with round hair from her abdomen end. They are in pairs placed in rows on the forage plants. The caterpillars feed on a wide variety of plants. How far the polyphagia is pronounced, but is not yet sufficiently clarified. Pupation occurs either in a tough or loose cocoon. The hairy caterpillar hairs are woven with. The caterpillars of some species are at various plants, such as cocoa, guava or palm trees as pests.

