Mercury(I) bromide


Colorless and odorless, light- sensitive powder


7.3 g · cm -3

390 ° C ( decomposition)

Insoluble in water ( 0.4 mg · l-1 at 25 ° C ) ° C


0.1 mg · m-3

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Mercury (I) bromide, is a chemical compound selected from the group consisting of bromides. It is available as a white, odorless powder. On exposure to light it turns dark and yellow when heated with time. It fluoresces orange under UV light.


Mercury (I ) bromide is used as part of the very rare mineral Kuzminit before Hg2 (Br, Cl) 2.

Production and representation

Mercury ( I) bromide may be obtained by reaction of elemental mercury with bromine or potassium bromide or by the addition of sodium bromide to a solution of mercury ( I) nitrate.


Mercury (I ) bromide has a linear Br -Hg -Hg -Br structure with a distance of 249 pm between the two mercury atoms and 271 pm between mercury and bromine.


When mercury (I ) bromide is a risk of skin sensitization. In addition, it is classified as carcinogenic in category 3B.
