
The mesogloea (Greek mesos - middle, ho gloios - sticky oil ) is a jelly-like tissue that the space between the inner and the outer epidermal layer gastroderm fills in the coelenterates ( cnidarians and ctenophores ). She is at the origin of cell-free case, for most groups, however, different cells migrate into the layer a.

The mesogloea consists of 98 % water and contains two collagens, glycoproteins and Mucosaccharide. The immigrants, mostly epidermal cells that form a skeleton of fibrils in some taxa. When the screen Jellyfish ( Scyphozoa ) and the flowers animals ( Anthozoa ), the mesoglea is usually very voluminous, while forming only a narrow supporting lamella about in the Hydrozoa. The medusae ( jellyfish ) and the Ctenophora the mesogloea also plays a role for the lift.

  • Anatomy (eddy lots)