Messier 5

Messier 5 or NGC 5904 is a globular cluster in the constellation of the Serpent, and about 25,000 light- years away from Earth. For amateur telescopes, it is one of the most beautiful pebble.

He was discovered by Gottfried Kirch and Maria on May 5, 1702 and recorded in his Messier catalog of Charles Messier on May 23 in 1764.

With an apparent magnitude of 5.6 may can Messier 5 already recognize as a star- like object in a very clear night and in a place with little light pollution to the naked eye. In small telescopes are already at the edge of individual stars visible, but affects the center somewhat blurred in the larger telescope, because unresolved stars generate a kind of shimmer. In the picture below a few thousand of these faint stars are seen.
