Mesud I

Mas'ud I ( * before 1107, † 1156 ), full name Rukn ad -Din Mas'ud ( ركن الدين مسعود, Turkish: I. Rükneddin Mesud ) was the Seljuk Sultan of Rum he ruled as a single whole 40 years the Sultanate of rum

When his father Kilij Arslan after the defeat against Radwan of Aleppo came I. 1107 in an accident to death, the throne was vacant for years. The Byzantines use the opportunity to push the Sultanate far to Anatolia. It was not until 1110 came Mas'ud brother Malik Shah I. to power. But even he could not stop the Byzantine expansion. This weakness Mas'ud offered the chance to claim the throne himself. He allied himself with the Danishmends and besieged his brother in 1116 in his capital Iconium, let capture him and strangle later. Years later, Mas'ud turned against his former allies in 1142 and conquered the kingdom of Danishmends. 1146 defended Mas'ud a Byzantine army at the gates Ikonions from. 1147 he defeated a Crusader army of the Second Crusade in Dorylaion.

As Mas'ud died in 1156, his son Kilij Arslan II succeeded him on the throne, who claimed against the ambitions of his younger brothers.

  • Sultan ( rum)
  • Born in the 11th or 12th century
  • Died in 1156
  • Man