
As metascience all academic disciplines can designate which have the science itself the subject. This corresponds to the meta-science as a discipline of science research; the term meta-science but rather refers to the characterization of individual subjects, occasionally a discipline other than the parent ( " Meta" is a Greek prefix for above ) to call.

Some of the possible topics metawissenschaftlicher employment are:

  • The foundations of scientific knowledge ( logic, epistemology, etc.) in the philosophy of science
  • The conditions of scientific work and knowledge ( sociology of science, history of science, etc.)
  • The impact of science on society (for example, technology assessment )
  • The psychological and aesthetic impact of scientific knowledge ( science aesthetics)
  • The ethical consequences of scientific research ( science ethics)
  • The quantifiable processes of scientific publication and communication ( Scientometrics )

Point of contention philosophy

Occasionally, the whole philosophy is attributed to be meta-science. While there are clear overlaps ( for example in the philosophy of science and epistemology ), but in other parts of the philosophy of this association is controversial. This concerns in particular the philosophy of nature. One of the classic questions of natural philosophy is about cosmology, the origin of the universe and of life as well as the question of the nature of human consciousness. Natural philosophy is therefore no meta-science in the sense of a " science of knowledge ". But it depends how the metasciences that it reflects and interprets what science produces. In this sense, they in turn can be seen as meta-science.

The same applies analogously to the philosophy of culture. Just as nature philosophy attempted to explore the essential characteristics of nature, can be drawn from the humanities and social scientific culture philosophical ideas about the nature of culture derived. Natural and cultural philosophy are sometimes closely linked, if one thinks of the philosophical issues raised by brain research and anthropology. Natural and cultural philosophy ask each continued where empirical science reaches its limits. And when you think about how much the Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences shape the modern philosophy of knowledge, it is clear that they certainly include some metawissenschaftliche issues.
