Meyer Friedman

Meyer Friedman ( * July 13, 1910, † 27 April 2001) was an American physician ( cardiologist ).

Together with his colleague Ray. H. Rosenman he developed in the fifties of the 20th century, the theory that nervous - hustling people are at an increased risk of heart attack.

These studies provided the impetus for the development of health psychology that involves the mood of the people in their investigations.


  • Type A Behavior and Your Heart, 1974
  • Treating type A behavior - and your heart, New York, 1984 (together m Diane Ulmer. )
  • Medicine 's 10 Greatest Discoveries, 1998 (together m. Gerald W. Friedland )
  • Physician ( 20th century )
  • Americans
  • Born 1910
  • Died in 2001
  • Man