Michael A. Jackson

Michael Anthony Jackson ( b. 1936 ) is a British computer scientist and works as an independent consultant in London, England and at AT & T Research, Florham Park, NJ, USA. He is a visiting professor at the Open University in the UK.

Jackson studied at Oxford University and was a fellow student of Tony Hoare. In the 1970s he developed the software development method Jackson Structured Programming ( JSP), in the 1980s he developed with John Cameron a method for system development (Jackson System Development ( JSD ) ). In the 1990s he developed the problem frames, an approach to decompose problems and structure.

Jackson is the winner of the Stevens Award.


  • Principles of Program Design. 1974, ISBN 0-12379050-6.
  • System Development. 1983, ISBN 0-13-880328-5.
  • Software Requirements & Specifications. 1995, ISBN 0-201-87712-0.
  • Problem Frames: Analysing and Structuring Software Development problem. 2001, ISBN 0-201-59627- X.