Michael Dorris

Michael Dorris ( born January 30, 1945, † 10 April 1997) was an American anthropologist and writer.

Michael A. Dorris wrote in the 1980s and 1990s, some of his books in collaboration with his wife Louise Erdrich. His most well known book is The Broken Cord ( German: Do not tell him of the mountains: The moving story of the Indian boy Adam ). The book is based on a true story. Morris tells how he adopted as a single father to young Adam. Gradually he realizes that Adam is a problem child. He was as mentally handicapped, retarded emotional and diagnosed on fetal alcohol syndrome.

1996 she separated by Louise Erdrich. Michael Dorris died by suicide.


  • Courtship, short story in The Great America Reading Book, ed. William Shore, Goldmann Verlag 1997
  • He looks behind trees, Translator Hans Ulrich Hirschfelder ( Lake Behind Trees ), Ill. Thomas Thiemeyer, Ravensburger 1998
  • Do not tell him about the mountains, Translator Veronika Straaß, Foreword by Louise Erdrich, Knesebeck Verlag 1994 filmed as The long road into existence in 1991, actor Jimmy Smits and Kim Delaney, directed by Ken Olin, camera Roy H. Wagner