Michele De Falco

Michele De Falco (* around 1688 in Naples, † after 1732 ibid ) was an Italian opera composer. He became acquainted with a number of opera buffa in Neapolitan dialect.


  • Lo Lollo pisciaportelle ( Libretto: Nicola Orilia ), opera buffa, UA 1709
  • I rivali gene rosi ( libretto by Apostolo Zeno ), opera buffa, UA 1712
  • Nicola Fago: Lo Masillo ( Libretto: Nicola Orilia ), opera buffa, Act 2 of De Falco, UA 1712
  • Lo ' mbruoglio d' ammore ( libretto: Aniello Piscopo ), opera buffa, UA 1717
  • Armida abbandonata ( libretto by Francesco Silvani ), dramma per musica, UA 1719
  • Lo castiello sacchejato ( libretto by Francesco Oliva), Commedia per musica, UA 1720 (1722 with additions of Leonardo da Vinci, as pastiche in collaboration with Pietro sweater 1732)
  • Le pazzie d' ammore (under the anagram Cola Melfiche, libretto by Francesco Antonio Tullio ), opera buffa, UA 1723
  • Nicola Porpora: Il Siface, interludes for dramma per musica by De Falco, UA 1726
  • Man
  • Born in the 17th century
  • Died in the 18th century
  • Italian composer