Michoacan deer mouse

The Michoacán - deer mouse ( Osgoodomys banderanus ) is a living in Mexico rodent species from the group of the New world.

These animals can reach a body length 10-12 cm, a tail length of 11-13 cm and a weight of around 50 to 70 grams. Their fur is gray brown on the back, the abdomen and feet are white. The skull is very slim.

Michoacán deer mice live exclusively in the southwestern Mexico, in the states of Nayarit, Jalisco, Michoacán and Guerrero. They live in the bush countries, both on the coast and inland.

These animals live on both on the ground and in the trees. They build nests of leaves, grasses and other plant material, either in tree cavities or on the ground. Their diet consists of seeds, fruits and insects.

Michoacán deer mice are close relatives of the white-footed or deer mice ( Peromyscus ), sometimes they are incorporated into this genus.
