
A micro- manager is a manager who deals a lot with details of a to be solved by his staff or colleagues problem.

Development for micro manager

A manager is the micro- manager (also Micro Manager), if it receives too little feedback on the solution of the problem ( or just the feeling has ). This leads to constant questions and increasingly detailed tasks of the work packages, as well as the reports to be drawn on work results.

The staff on the other hand kept from the actual work because they have to constantly report on the state of work. There is no scope to make decisions within their area of ​​responsibility.

The steady state of such a leadership style can demotivate employees, which can then develop into destructive employees themselves.


Remedy open conversations to improve the division of labor. A leader must be able to delegate tasks. The employee must report to his superior sufficient. Both must accept and trust each other. This must be worked for.


See also

  • Micro-management ( BWL )
  • Professional Function (Management)
  • Planning and organization
  • Industrial and organizational psychology
  • Organizational communication