Middle East Forum

The Middle East Forum (MEF ) is a think tank founded by historian Daniel Pipes, 1990 in Philadelphia, United States.

The nonprofit organization was exempt shortly after the start of the Oslo peace process in January 1994 and independently. Its objectives are " the definition and promotion of U.S. interests in the Middle East, the fight against radical Islamism and the Iranian threat, the promotion of acceptance of Israel among Palestinians, a more robust representation of U.S. interests against Saudi Arabia and the energy independence of Israel. "

The forum points to the vital interests of the United States in the Middle East. It supported the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. The MEF has close ties with Israel, Turkey, and other democracies in this room for necessary who let themselves be realized through continuous support and a low oil price. MEF promoted regional and international dialogue on these issues.

MEF publishes the journal Middle East Quarterly and established next to " Islam Watch" the program " Campus Watch ". It promotes educational trips for high school to Kuwait, Turkey, Jordan and Israel - the latter goals with the specific focus on combating terrorism.

Campus Watch

2002, the Forum initiated the " Campus Watch program " and justified it with five problems that it sees in the scientific teaching of the Middle East at American universities: " analytical error, mixture of policy and doctrine, intolerance of alternative views, apologetics, abuse of power against students. "

Campus Watch therefore established a database of relevant scientific publications to make them known. Students were encouraged university teachers to report books and curricula, what was that called by some lecturers as intimidation similar in the McCarthy era. In protest, about 100 academics demanded also to be included in the list. Campus Watch removed then the list from its website and published them in 2006 in book form.
