Mike Leadbitter

Michael Andrew Leadbitter ( born March 12, 1942 in Shimla, India, † November 16, 1974 in London, England ) was a British blues researcher, author and publisher. He was a driving force of the British blues revival in the 1960s.

From 1963 brought Leadbitter together with Simon Napier magazine Blues Unlimited out, for which he also wrote numerous articles. Among the books and texts that he wrote include Classic Collector (1966 ), Blues Records 1943-66 and Delta Country Blues (both 1968), Crowley and Louisiana Blues From the Bayou (both 1969), and Rhythm and Blues Records 1943 - in 1970. Early 1970s Leadbitter worked for the publisher Hanover Books, and whose music magazines such as Jazz & Blues and Let It Rock.

Mike Leadbitter died in 1974 at the age of only 32 years from the effects of meningitis. In 2009 he was inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame Blues Foundation. His book Blues Records 1943-1966 ( with Neil Slaven ) was inducted into the Hall of Fame ( Classics of Blues Literature) in 1985. (Category: Classics of Blues Literature) in 1982, the magazine Blues Unlimited in the Blues Hall of Fame was recorded.

Pictures of Mike Leadbitter
