Mikhail Prishvin

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (Russian: Михаил Михайлович Пришвин, scientific transliteration Mikhail Michajlovič Prišvin; * 23 Januarjul / February 4 1873greg in the village Chruschtschowo - Ljowschino, Orel province, .. † January 16, 1954 in Moscow) was a Russian writer.

His story in the land of undisturbed birds was translated into German by Rainer Schwarz.

He was a member of the Russian Fraternitas Arctica to Riga.


  • Mikhail Prishvin: In the land of undisturbed birds: Sketches from the Wyg region, with 17 watercolors by Konstantin Sokolov, Books Gutenberg, 1985
  • Mikhail Prishvin: master narratives ( The Beast of Krutojar; Phacelia; For merry tambourine, The cemetery of the birds, The Black Arabs), Manesseplatz, 1988