Milan (New Mexico)

Cibola County


Milan is a village in the northwest of the U.S. state of New Mexico in Cibola County. Milan has 1.891 inhabitants and an area of 7.6 km ². Milan also has its own golf course. Nearby is the El Malpais National Monument is located.


The community is named after Salvador Milán, a former mayor of the village. In the fifties of the 20th century were built from uranium in Milan.


Milan has the Grants-Milan Municipal Airport has its own airport. Milan is affected by Interstate 40.

Acomita Lake | Encinal | Grants | Laguna | Mesita | Milan | North Acomita Village | Paguate | Paraje | Pinehill | Seama | Skyline Ganipa |

  • Place in New Mexico
  • Location in North America
  • Cibola County