Mile High

See cast list

Mile High is a British television series.


Mile High aired from 2003 to 2005, the British television Sky1. The first episode was broadcast on 16 February 2003. The last episode aired on July 20, 2005 on Sky1. The series consists of two seasons, which are spread over 39 episodes. An episode lasts 44 minutes. In the following years the series aired in Canada, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Ireland, India, Israel, Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Sweden, South Korea, Serbia and the United States on various TV stations.


The series shows the lives of the members of a cabin crew of a British aircraft in the airline Fresh!. The drama starts with the first working day of the new flight attendant Marco. His new colleague Emma, however, sees her marriage plans due to the return of ex-boyfriend John endangered. The flight attendant Jason begins an affair with a female passenger.

