Militia of Montana

Militia of Montana (abbreviated MOM) (German: Militia of Montana) is a right-wing neo- militia, which is considered the "mother of all militias " in the United States.


The Militia of Montana was founded by two brothers, John and David, and David's son Randy Trochmann in Noxon, Montana in January / February 1994. All three were previously a member of the Aryan Nations in Idaho. The direct precursor United Citizens of Justice was created in 1992 in direct response to an illegal police action in Ruby Ridge, were shot at the son and wife of Randy Weaver supremacists. The local objectives, to draw attention to the fate of Weavers, but had later on in the background and gave way to more general objectives that formed the basis for the MOM. Robert Fletcher, another founding member, took great influence in the early years of MOM.

The organization grew in the 1990s into one of the most influential militias. Unlike other radical militias MOM renounced the planning of attacks and also offered no paramilitary training. Instead, the militia on the provision of information and the support of other groups. This is done under appearances of members in the field of arms fairs, as well as a specially edited catalog with items for survivalists, the fight for survival in sound, image and font propaganda material also offers beside a set of instructions. In addition, the organization publishes the newsletter Taking Aim.

Around the turn of the millennium and in particular by the feared catastrophe around the year 2000 problem, the militia had the most popular. After this alleged crisis was, however, survived without any problems, the militia lost in importance again. In addition, Randy Trochman got out in March 2000 from the organization. The militia is today still active, but only of minor importance. Their activities have mainly shifted to the Internet.


The Militia of Montana is considered as a "link between radical and extreme right ". It is aimed both at Patriots as well as to Christian fundamentalists. Like other militias also is the nation for the MOM the most important basis. The MOM has positioned itself as an enemy of a New World Order. The militia is mainly due to the proliferation of conspiracy theories, especially those that have anti-Semitism and racism as the basis. The MOM rejects all constitutional amendments except the Bill of Rights. This means that the abolition of slavery is considered illegitimate.
