Milk Parsley

Swamp hair strand ( Peucedanum palustre )

The Swamp hair strand or Ölsenich ( Peucedanum palustre ) is a Central European patchy spread occurring Umbelliferae ( Apiaceae ). It blooms in July and August.


The type is a biennial herbaceous plant ( Hemikryptophyt ). It is up to 1.6 m high and often grows loose and bushy. The stalk has no fiber tuft at the base (this is only the case with this type ) and is at least in the upper part bare and ridged. The leaves are three times pinnate, the end portions linear, 1-3 mm wide and at hand, with a clear a protruding vein network. They have a short, whitish tip. The flowers are white. The fruit is oval and 4 to 5.5 mm long. The peripheral rib is approximately half as wide as the fruit body.


Habitat requirements

Peucedanum palustre grows clear to slightly shaded, moist ( or wet ), usually with little lime, but base-rich, weakly acidic sites. The species occurs in sedge, in quaking in loosened reed beds or even in sparse, seggenreichen alder stands.


The bottom - strand hair arrives in Europe from southern France, northern Italy and Yugoslavia into the Baltic Sea area. In Norway only in the southern part. He is a Nordic- temperat - continental Florenelement.

Distribution in Germany

Peucedanum palustre, is endemic in northern Germany and commonly found. In addition, he is still in Southern Germany ( foothills of the Alps in particular) to meet often.

Swamp hair strand ( herbarium )

Swamp hair strand ( bracts and immature fruits)


The Swamp hair strand is the caterpillar food plant of only a few swampy areas in Cambridge and Norfolk in England limited subspecies P. machaon britannicus of the dovetail.
