Mirabilis jalapa


The magic flower ( Mirabilis jalapa ) is a plant of the genus miracle Flowers ( mirabilis).


The magic flower is native to Central America (probably Mexico). 1525 came the first plants to Europe. Today it is widespread in many tropical regions and is also appreciated in Europe ( not hardy ) ornamental plant.


The magic flower is a perennial herbaceous plant, the plant height usually 1, rarely reach up to 2 meters. It forms root nodules as outlasting. The simple leaves 3.5 to 13 cm long and 2-8 cm wide. The petiole is about 4 cm long.

The inflorescences contain three to seven sessile flowers. The fragrant flowers open in the late afternoon, which earned her the name " Vieruhrblume ", and attract moths for pollination to. The flowers are 6.5 cm long and 2.5 to 3.5 cm wide. The funnel-shaped petals are fused can vary greatly on a plant in color (white, pink, red and yellow, and color transitions ), so the plant magic flower was called. The five to six stamens are 2.75 to 6 cm long. The ovary is 1 to 1.5 mm long and the stylus is 4 to 6.5 cm long.

The seeds are not quite pea-sized, up to 3 years viable, have a small crater-like opening and have the form of hand grenades.


In times of famine, the leaves are eaten cooked. The tuberous roots of Wunderblume have a laxative effect.


The biologist Carl Correns used the magic flower as a model organism for the demonstration of the inheritance rules ( uniformity of hybrids, split into the following daughter generations).


Mirabilis jalapa:


