Miracle Records

Miracle Records was an American blues and rhythm and blues record label, which existed from 1946 to 1950.

The Chicago-based independent label Miracle Records was founded in August 1946 by Lee J. Regardless Nick ( b. 1921 ). It produced in the second half of the 1940s records for the African American market; there appeared especially rhythm and blues recordings of the work in the city of artists like Rudy Richardson, Dick Davis, Memphis Slim, Floyd Hunt, Gladys Palmer, Brother Sellers, Browley Guy and Sonny Thompson.

Similar to the also founded at this time label Aristocrat Records, the focus was less on the rural Mississippi Delta Blues, but the genres of ballads, blues, jive and rhythmically accentuated numbers in the spectrum of jazz, R & B and pop.

Headquarters from Miracle Records was 107 East 47th Street, which was located in the main shopping street of the South Side in the African-American neighborhood; 1947 the company moved to 500 East 63rd Street to which lay in the emerging nightclub Bezork. During this time, Lew Simpkins came across as A & R for the label. Most photographs were taken in United Broadcasting Studio, which belonged to the later founder of Master Records, the German -born Egmont nerd (* 1906). After the end of the company's Old Swing - Master recordings of Miracle appeared on Nerd LabelMaster and


  • Discography at 78discography