Mishmar HaSharon

32.35869722222234.9031Koordinaten: 32 ° 22 ' N, 34 ° 54 ' E

HaScharon Mishmar (Hebrew משמר השרון " Guard of the Sharon ") is a kibbutz in the Plain of Sharon northeast of Netanya in Israel. The village is the birthplace of former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.

Mishmar haScharon was part of the first comprehensively planned community experiment in Palestine. The Jewish National Fund had purchased large tracts of land in 1931 and planned the development of several agricultural settlements. Mishmar haScharon was settled by Jewish immigrants from Russia and Poland in the course of this project in 1933. The Russian founders had previously settled in Galilee (this group has existed since 1924).

The village has about 400 inhabitants. An important sector of the kibbutz is in agriculture ( among other things cultivation of citrus fruits and cotton, fish and poultry ).
