Mississippi Sheiks

The Mississippi Sheiks were a successful American musical group, made ​​numerous recordings 1928-1935. Her most famous song, Sitting on Top of the World, is a blues classic, which was re-recorded by many artists and bands, including Howlin 'Wolf, Bob Dylan, Cream and the Grateful Dead.


Walter Vinson, guitar, and Lonnie Chatmon, violin ( " fiddle " ), was the core of the group. They were often supported by members of their extended family. Mention should be made especially guitarists Bo Carter ( Bo Chatmon actually ) and Sam Chatmon. Memphis Slim also belonged to the clan - his real name was Pete Chatmon.

Forefather of the Chatmon clan was Henderson Chatmon of the Mississippi Delta, [note 1] a former slave. He brought his numerous children playing dance music on the violin. The Chatmons occurred in different occupations as the " Chatmon Brothers String Band " and also went on tour, where they came to Chicago. They played all kinds of popular dance music: square dances, waltzes, folk and the then recent emerging blues.

Walter Vinson and Lonnie Chatmon made ​​first recordings in 1928 as "The Mississippi Sheiks ". The name is a popular movie of Rudolph Valentino, The Sheik borrowed. Later the rest of the clan used this name. Until 1935, the Sheiks took on numerous pieces and were in Mississippi and Texas to the top stars of her time. Her fans included, among others Son House, Howlin 'Wolf and Muddy Waters.

1935 Walter Vinson and Lonnie parted Chatmon and thus brought about the end of the Mississippi Sheiks. Vincson occurred from then on as Walter Jacobs. Lonnie formed with his brother Sam the " Chatmon Brothers".

Lonnie Chatmon withdrew from the music back and died around 1943. Walter Vinson tried in the 1960s without much success to revive the Mississippi Sheiks. He died in 1975. Sam Chatmon was able to use the blues revival better and was, until his death in 1983 quite well known. Bo Carter was the most successful soloist with the Mississippi Sheiks after its dissolution. However, he went blind in the 1940s. In 1964, he died penniless.

In 2008, the Mississippi Sheiks were incorporated into the Blues Hall of Fame.

