Mixean languages

Spoken in

  • Mixe- Zoque mixes


Mixes ( Ayüük Ja'ay ) is an indigenous language in Mexico, spoken by the ethnicity of the mixes. It is spoken by about 130,000 people in the eastern highlands of the Mexican state of Oaxaca.


The Mixe language is a polysynthetic Ergativsprache.


Mixes is most closely related to the languages ​​Sayula Popoluca and Oluta Popoluca spoken in Veracruz. Along with these and the Zoque language family it belongs to the Mixe- Zoque.


Due to the strong geographical isolation within the mountainous language area, there are widely differing regional variants. SIL International divides the mixes in ten individual languages. There are three dialect main groups: The Highlands Mixe ( in the northern highlands to Totontepec and southern highlands around Tlahuitoltepec, Ayutla and Tamazulapan ), which means highland Mixe ( in the area around Juquila and Zacatepec ) and the lowland Mixe ( in space to Guichicovi ).


The Mixe language is poorly documented, and many variants are not listed. The best documented are the dialects to Totontepec, Ayutla and Coatlán. For these dictionaries and grammars short of SIL International were created.
