Mokra Gora

Mokra Gora is a village in the municipality of Uzice in western Serbia. The place is between the National Park Tara and Zlatibor mountain, just a few kilometers from the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mokra Gora has about 1000 inhabitants.


About half of the population is employed in agriculture. In addition, the chemical factory Kotroman employs about 220 workers. With the development of tourist attractions since about 2000 also forms of tourism is an important source of income of the residents.


Slightly above Mokra Gora film director Emir Kusturica has built a village in the traditional manner under the name of the coastal village or Etno selo. It served as the backdrop for his film Life is a miracle.

In addition, the town is the starting point, the 13.5 -kilometer railway museum Šarganska osmica, which is also further extended in the direction of Visegrad in 2005.
