

The Momotombo is a stratovolcano in Nicaragua, near the city of León. It extends to the Lake Managua. Its morphology is very symmetrical, his image was printed on matchboxes and appears on murals, he is emblematic of Nicaragua. Before the First World War, he was a popular destination, in 1904 the number of tourists reached its peak, in 1905, he broke out. On its southern flank is a geothermal field. With the permission of the volcano can be climbed, this includes a crossing of the geothermal power plant. From the tree line, the landscape is constantly changing due to erosion and eruptions.

Under the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza Debayle, the bodies of people that by the secret police and the National Guard was thrown into the crater of Momotombo, where they were discovered later.

