
  • China ( Tibet)
  • Monkonosaurus lawulacus Zhou, 1990

Monkonosaurus is a sparsely -known genus of dinosaur bird Beck from the group of Stegosauria. He was the first dinosaur discovered in Tibet.

The findings are limited to two vertebrae, parts of the basin and three bone plates. This is typical of any stegosaurus bone plates were tall and thin, and resemble those of Stegosaurus. About the arrangement of the plates is not known. Based on the findings, it was calculated that Monkonosaurus reached a length of about 5 meters. He was thus a rather small to medium-sized Stegosaurus.

The fossils were found in the Lura lineup in Tibet and named after the region Monko. They are dated to the Upper Jurassic. Only species and therefore type species is Monkonosaurus lawulacus.
