Monte Galero


The Monte Galero is a 1708 meter high mountain in the Ligurian Alps. Together with the nearby Monte Dubasso, Monte Armetta and Monte della Guardia, he forms the Armetta - Galero massif, which is an orographic node between the catchment basins of the Neva, the Arroscia and the upper Val Tanaro.

The summit of Mount Galero located on the provincial border between the Ligurian province of Savona and the piemontinischen province of Cuneo. A part of the North - eastern slope of the mountain belongs to the province of Cuneo, from an administrative perspective, but from hydrological point of view it belongs to the catchment area of ​​the Neva, which flows into the Ligurian Sea.

  • Mountain in Europe
  • Mountain in Liguria
  • Mountain in the Piedmont
  • Eintausender
  • Mountain in the Alps