Monumental Axis

The Eixo Monumental ( Monumental German - axis ) is the central east-west axis of the Brazilian capital, Brasília.

Location and meaning

An essential element of Plano piloto the plant was central axes which should divide the city into four quarters. The main north-south axis was the Eixo Rodoviário, as an east- west axis created the Eixo Monumental.

While the Eixo Rodoviário runs mainly through residential areas, affect the Eixo Monumental, the order formed by the of a broad green stripe separated Via Norte order and Via Sul, numerous representative buildings.

The western terminus of the Eixo Monumental is the place of the three powers, about 10 kilometers east it terminates at the Rodoferroviária (remote station ). They passed the following buildings or building complexes:

  • Panteão da Patria e da Liberdade Tancredo Neves
  • Palácio do Planalto
  • Supremo Tribunal Federal
  • Congresso Nacional
  • Palácio do Itamaraty
  • Palácio da Justiça
  • Esplanada dos Ministérios
  • Catedral Metropolitana
  • Complexo Cultural da República
  • Torre de Televisão
  • Memorial JK

Addresses and sectors

The Eixo Monumental is the starting point of the formation of the addresses in the entire town, and she shares this in Asa Norte ( north wing ) and Asa Sul (southern wing). The addresses in Brasília allow a calculation of the position of the addressed building relative to its position for Eixo Monumental ( SQS 708 H 44 - 44 of the building Eixo Rodoviário and 8 superblock is in block H is 4 Super blocks west south of the Eixo Monumental).

Similarly, all areas designated as sectors with a specific provision be divided by them into a northern and a southern part, as the SBN ( Setor Bancário Norte) between Eixo Rodoviário and Via Norte Leste 1 and SBS ( Setor Bancário Sul ) between Eixo Rodoviário and Via 1 Leste Sul.

  • Building in Brasília