Mood (psychology)

When mood is called in psychology a form of pleasant or unpleasant feeling. In use there is also outdated words such as mood or emotion, state of mind. The mood depends inter alia on the overall condition of the individual. From mood or mind, however, is hardly mentioned in the newer psychology.


Moods differ from emotions, emotions and affects the fact that they are experienced extended as longer in time, but also certain situational fluctuate. Moods play an important role in motivation. Experiences appear to be " inked" by moods. In gloomy mood, for example, the world seems " gray on gray ". Moods denote a physical- mental overall constitution. Moods, in addition to their pleasant or Unangenehmsein still have many different qualities, such as:

  • " Joyous atmosphere "
  • " Optimism "
  • " Melancholy "
  • " Threatening atmosphere "

Thure von Uexküll (1908-2004) dealt with the biological side of moods. He came to believe that moods represent functional states in which "tuned" to a certain behavior of organisms an organism or a plurality, is " in tune" with or provided. He referred also to works of his father Johann Jakob von Uexküll ( 1864-1944 ). This had examined corresponding coordination mechanisms in organisms with no nervous system, such as sea urchins or associations of organisms such as Jackdaw flocks. Applied to human affairs has Thure von Uexküll by using various case studies that moods are a prerequisite for the development of conscious motives. Where these energetic processes are not guaranteed, that is, if there are significant internal or external inhibitions preclude expression to illnesses or diseases can develop deployment.

Mood (s)

The predominant type of mood of a personality is referred to as their mood. This mood is a social psychology relevant personality trait.

The formation conditions of mood are even more difficult to explore and the single individual even less aware than those of the respective mood. Nevertheless, they are crucial in the development and flow of, for example, interactions and learning processes. These are not only embedded in prevailing moods, but prevailing moods are also responsible for their existence and the nature of its course.

See also: basic feeling


Many activities of human life can be consciously or unconsciously understood as strategies to alter moods (see Emotional Intelligence ); so also Daniel Goleman ( in Emotional Intelligence, Germany 1996): " Everything from reading a novel or the television to the activities and pleasures for which we choose, can be seen as an effort to achieve that we feel better. "

Moods can initiate and influence learning processes crucial. For this reason, teachers should ensure in their efforts for a pleasant and constructive spirit, as far as is within their power. Experienced teachers know what is being discussed (see: A. exchange / barter R.: Educational Psychology ). Finally, the mediation of experiences of success ( by the parents or by using the learning outcome itself) during and after the learning process is an important attempt to positively influence the mood that accompanies the learning process productive and optimized.

On the other hand, can hinder or prevent moods such as anxiety, sadness, and those that are connected to the processing of personal problems, learning processes. If there are increasing such moods or if they get out of hand, learning processes are impaired. The planning of interactions, in social situations may be impaired. Interactions are then socially inappropriate and controlled by unfavorable intentions. They act may misplaced and / or ineffective ( See also: DH Rost: Concise Dictionary of Educational Psychology, attentional processes ). Under such considerations also will power and ego strength could play a role (see also: DH Rost: Social Learning ), an aspect of the control and planning of moods related to life and learning planning.

Extreme mood swings like bipolar disorder indicate a mental illness. In the psychiatry moods can be successful psychotherapy or, if necessary, influenced by psychotropic drugs. But even physical illness can significantly affect the mood, such as the prospects for cure or the seriousness of the disease.

Mood as psychosomatic model

The model of the atmosphere as the fundamental concept of psychosomatic medicine refers by Thure von Uexküll on the subject, so that includes psychological or physiological conditions in a, but is not determined unilaterally by these conditions. So imagine it as a third way besides psychology and physiology dar. This model has proved particularly useful for understanding the deployment diseases. Moods contribute significantly to the development of major fixed or situational each newly determined behaviors and thus of psychologically induced and physiologically active settings.


A philosophical approach to the interpretation of moods or " mood " can be found in the thought of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger, among others, in its main work, Being and Time ( 1927).
