
As Mondkalb the freaks were referred to domestic cattle in the 16th century, the malformations are attributed to a noxious influence of the moon (eg Amorphous globosus ).


In William Shakespeare's last play The Tempest the wild, ugly Caliban is addressed as moon-calf. The poet Christian Morgenstern used the term in his gallows songs (such as in the poem The aesthetic Wiesel ). In an ironic meaning concretization HG Wells makes the astonished protagonists of his science fiction novel The First Men in the Moon (1901 ) for a journey to the Earth's satellite to actual mooncalves ( mooncalves ) meet. The 1920 published novel Moon - Calf ( Mondkalb ) is often referred to as Floyd Dell's best-selling single.

The moon-calf (OT: Way ... Way Out ) is an American science-fiction comedy from 1966 Mondkalb is a film by the German director Sylke Enders from 2008. .

Under the title Mondkalb - Journal of organized infirmity appears in Berlin since May 2007, a newspaper that takes the concept of irony.
