Morgan Bible

The Maciejowski Bible, also Crusader Bible, Book of Kings, or Morgan Bible called ( Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, Ms M. 638 ), is a medieval picture Bible, consisting of 46 Folia. It is regarded as a masterpiece of Gothic book painting.

Probably the order came to this work by King Louis IX. my of France around the year 1245th Other sources, the Bible come from the northern provinces of France by about 1250. In its original form the work contained only images that are arranged throughout in a consistent visual rhythm from side to side.

The book consists of illustrations of the Old Testament, the Hebrew tradition, which was transferred from a Christian perspective in scenery and customs of France of the 13th century. Noteworthy is the large amount of violence in the paintings.


About 150 years after the creation of the book Latin marginal notes have been added. The Bishop of Krakow, Cardinal Bernard Maciejowski, after this book will usually named, the Bible presented in 1608 to the Shah of Persia, Abbas I. Under Abbas added Persian inscriptions. Other additional inscriptions in Judeo - Persian probably came in the 18th century to do so.

The Maciejowski Bible is an important source for clothing and weaponry of the 13th century dar.
