
Called Moriscos, even Moriscos (Spanish: morisco, moorish ') are to Christianity zwangskonvertierte Moors who lived after the completion of the Reconquista in Spain.

With the downfall of Moorish rule in Spain, many Muslims came under the rule of the Christian Castile. Despite all the guarantees of religious freedom, granted at the capitulation of Granada, began soon ( formally 1502), the forced conversion of the Mudejar by the Catholic Church and the expropriation of Muslim religious institutions.

After an uprising in Granada around 1499 the monarchy ordered the forced conversion of Muslims or their deportation. In the subsequent period has encountered many Muslims to Christianity, practiced Islam but secretly continued from what was again persecuted by the Inquisition.

Another revolt of the Moriscos in the Alpujarras south of Granada located under the leadership of Abén Humeya against Spanish oppression (1569-1571) meant that many Moors were resettled in the areas of Castile and Aragon. Between 1609 and 1611 the last 275,000 Moriscos from Spain were reported. Many settled in Tunisia and Algeria and influenced the culture of these countries by their Andalusian traditions considerably.

Popular in those days was in southern Germany the Morris dance. The famous morris dancers that were created for the Old Town Hall in Munich by Erasmus Grasser in 1480, are now on display at the city museum. Orlando di Lasso also wrote music for Moriskentänze.

From the 15th century until today, the Morris dance ( " Moreška " Croatian) is on the Croatian island of Korcula on 29 July, the anniversary of the Martyr Theodor listed, as in England ( " morris dance" ).
