Moritz Daublebsky-Sterneck

Moritz Georg Josef Franz Maria Freiherr Daublebsky of Sterneck (* February 29, 1912 in Wagstadt; † 10 January 1986 Vomp ) was an Austrian Righteous Among the Nations.

His parents were Jacob Moritz Daublebsky of Sterneck (1871-1917) and his wife Maria, Baroness Salvadori Wiesenhof ( 1872-1962 ).

He studied law and received a doctorate in law.

Dr. Daublebsky of Sterneck was an officer of the Wehrmacht in Slovakia and with his relatives had a house in the village Bořice.

When the Wehrmacht marched into Slovakia, the Viennese Jew Magdalena Livia Dubnicka fled with her mother in Slovakia in the mountains. They hoped to find there way to the partisans. On the run, she came to the village Bořice. They turned for help at Daublebsky - Sterneck whose relatives were friends of the two refugees. The agreed to give them shelter in his house, even though he knew the hiding of Jews would be punished with death. For a long time he was responsible for the hidden Jewish women in his house. One day he told them that a villager would have noticed it and expressed the suspicion that they are Jews.

Magdalena and her mother were afraid to remain in his house. They decided to return to her home town, in the hope that the Germans would have given up the search for them. Dr. Daublebsky - Sterneck told them that the only escape route from the village over the bridge of the river VAEH go. The will, however, guarded by German soldiers. That's why Dr. Daublebsky - Sterneck put on his army uniform and accompanied the two Jewish women under the cover of night on the bridge.

The crossing of the bridge was successful, but shortly thereafter Magdalena and her mother were discovered and arrested by the Germans. They were transferred to the Ravensbrück concentration camp, where the mother died. Magdalena was later transferred to the Bergen Belsen concentration camp and lived there for liberation.

For Dr. Daublebsky - Sterneck then became a tree in the garden of the " Righteous Among the Nations " planted in Yad Vashem.
