Moshe Sherer

Moshe Sherer ( born June 18, 1921 in Brooklyn, United States, † 17 May 1998 in Manhattan, New York City ) was a rabbi and stakeholders of the Orthodox Jews, including in Washington DC Sherer took over in 1960 as the successor of his deceased cousin Elimelech Gavriel. Tress the presidency of the Agudath Israel of America, a toratreuen organization that is connected to the World Agudath Israel. From 1980 he was deputy chairman of World Agudath Israel just that. In 1988, he opened a lobbying office of the Orthodox Jews in Washington.

He attended the Torah Vodath, a yeshiva in Brooklyn. Later he was at the Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore. His mentor was Rabbi Aharon Kotler, who founded a yeshiva in Lakewood, New Jersey. Rabbi Nosson shear husband, publisher of Artscroll, said of him:

"Hey what able to take desparate groups, bring them together and get them to cooperate in the areas wherethey would agree".

Sherer died on 17 May 1998 in Manhattan from leukemia.
