
The escort is originally an armed escort to guard or protection of persons or goods, as well as to honor a person.


Today is the escort in Germany, also known as honor escort, part of the police bodyguard (also accompanying command ) during state visits, but in some cases also at state funerals. Police escort and transport command provided by the National Police territorial competence. The escort driver ( motorcycle ), peak and final vehicle as well as the operational control of the movement and transport commands ( Police Leader of the insert ( PFDE ) ) are provided by the traffic police, the actual protection of persons from the local LKA and possibly by the BKA ( Support Group). Furthermore, state guests can use their own personal security forces. Within the escort party also vehicles of the protocol ( State Chancellery), ambassadors and other support personnel lined one. As a whole, this is referred to in the protocol-related language use as Car Series, in which case the order is precisely defined. The accompanying command runs as a closed association.

The object of the escort driver

  • The honor of monitoring and
  • The protection of the State 's guests during the trip ( security ).
  • In emergency situations that require a sudden departure from the main or alternative routes, takes over the task of the escort transport police advance team.

The escort leaves usually wedge-shaped front of the vehicle of the visitor. The side of the vehicle Join the guest of honor by the last escort driver of the formation is only rarely practiced (15 Kradfahrer, slow speed, wide road in a straight line ).

The number of escort driver is set to protocol. Notwithstanding this definition are in heavy snow which can not be cleared in time, or in icy conditions that can not be eliminated by road salt used cars used in odd, a reduced number, but each manned by two officials.


Military Police

In Germany military police are used in the following cases instead of the police escort party and the escort driver:

The strength specified 1 /3, 1 /5 and 1/7 means that an escort officer and 3, 5 and 7 Kradfahrer (1 top drivers and 2, 4 and 6 escort driver ) form the escort.
