Movement (New Order album)


Movement is the first album by the band New Order. It was released on 13 November 1981.


Movement refers stylistically heavily on the works of the predecessor band New Order, Joy Division. After their singer Ian Curtis had committed suicide in 1980, took over the guitarist Bernard Sumner ( and for two items, namely "Dreams Never End " and " Doubts Even Here", bassist Peter Hook) singing. The songs " ICB " - presumably short for " Ian Curtis Buried" (Ian Curtis was buried ) and "The Him" are to be construed as references to the late singer. The album is distinguished, unlike later publications by New Order, by a significantly gloomy mood and a rather sparse electronic instrumentation from. Of the songs was not released as a single.


The cover was inspired by a poster of the Italian Futurist Fortunato Depero.

Title list

  • 1981 album
  • Album ( Dark Wave)
  • New Order