Moving Pictures (novel)

Get the picture ( English title: Moving Pictures ) is a novel by Terry Pratchett. It is the tenth Discworld novel. Get the picture was published in 1990. Places of action are the legendary Ankh -Morpork and a nearby spots called " Holy Wood ". It is the first Discworld novel, which Mustrum Ridcully, as Chancellor of Unseen University and key protagonists, introduces.

German edition

Goldmann, 1993, ISBN 3-442-41543-8


" Get the picture " is indeed quite a Discworld novel, but more an entertaining satire on Hollywood and the film industry.

The alchemists have made ​​a sensational invention, the celluloid or cellulose October! A highly flammable material that can be painted and moved by a crank - apparatus pictures transported on a canvas. Not that this discovery would be really grown on her crap. An ancient demon called the entertainment industry has recovered due to human failure, input into the universe of Discworld, and is looking for new victims. Many citizens of the city of Ankh- Morpork it attracts suddenly, magically, on a barren piece of desert called Holy Wood where the alchemists filmmaking.

Victor, a student of Unseen University verschlägt it just there, like the young woman named Ginger. With the strip: blown away with the wind, the two are overnight to movie stars. Nobody suspects what has serious implications for the film to the reality of what will change soon. Ghastly creatures from the Dungeon Dimensions penetrate through the canvas into the reality and try to stabilize in the library of Unseen University. A final battle is coming up. Victor uses the magic of Holy Wood and turns it against the monstrous creatures. Finally assumes Oswald (or Oscar), the Golden Guardian of the place, back to his service, and banished the uninvited ghosts in the unreality.


Translation by Gerald Young

Translations of you in the picture
